
Riskiekspert OÜ has been established in 2015 in order to offer high-quality and contemporary occupational health and safety related services. At first, chemical safety consultancy was the main topic which expanded quickly to other topics of safety due to clients’ needs. A larger team was also needed to offer quick and thorough services.
Our team is closely connected with Tallinn University of Technology and its research topics related to occupational health and safety. Therefore, we have a high knowledge about current directions of development in the field of occupational health and safety which we gladly share also with our clients.
We offer sustainable service and long-term collaboration to our clients.
We aim to be one of the promoters in the field of occupational health and safety in Estonia relying on innovative solutions.
Margus Tint M.Sc. (civil engineering and business) Manager
Phone: +372 5088548
E-mail: margus@riskiekspert.ee |
Margus Tint has been active in banking business more than 16 years; the last 10 years as a manager of business services. During his career in baking sector, he has also performed the duties of work environment specialist, has worked as a member of Work Environment Council and has actively designed ergonomic workplaces for office workers. Margus has an engineer degree in civil engineering and master’s degree in business administration. He has acquired his safety knowledge in Tampere Technical University participating in teaching as well as in projects involving civil engineering safety and other related topics. Additionally, he has successfully attended several occupational health and safety trainings in Estonia. |
Karin Reinhold PhD (occupational safety, chemical safety) CEO, Senior expert
Phone: +372 56621387
E-mail: karin@riskiekspert.ee |
Karin Reinhold is active as an Associate Professor in Tallinn University of Technology. She’s the founder of Riskiekspert OÜ and is also a lecturer of various trainings in occupational health and safety. In 2009, she defended her PhD in the topic of occupational risks and risk matrizes, as well as chemical and physical hazards. She has acquired her toxicological and chemical safety knowledge in Uppsala University and has consulted many Estonian companies in chemical safety for more than 10 years. In last 14 years, she has participated in numerous congresses and conferences in the field of occupational health, occupational safety, ergonomics and health promotion, also as a keynote speaker. Currently, she is involved in different international science projects (e.g best safety practices in small and medium-sized companies, information availability in chemical safety, development of web-tools to manage chemical risks etc). Additionally, Karin works as an assessor of work environment in Estonian Accreditation Centre where she ensures the quality of laboratories who conduct measurements of occupational hazards. Karin’s current research topics are ergonomic solutions for office workers, safety culture in companies, safety and health behavioral patterns among employees and employers and assessment methods of workplace chemicals. She has conducted workplace risk assessments, performed ergonomics consultancies and directed trainings for work environment specialists, occupational health physicians and labour inspectors. She has published over 70 scientific articles. |
Sigrid Kontus PhD (occupational hygiene), Expert
E-mail: info@riskiekspert.ee |
Sigrid Kontus has a bachelor degree in chemistry and biotechnology. During her studies, she loved organic chemistry, but was also interested in medicine. Therefore, she decided to do her master degree in occupational health. She has completed several courses in Estonia and Europe, including topics in occupational health and safety, REACH, safety management systems. Currently, Sigrid is active in Tallinn University of Technology teaching safety for students as well as writing her PhD in analytical chemistry and medicine. She performs measurements of occupational hazards, conducts risk assessments and is a lecturer in the field of occupational hygiene and occupational safety. |
Kert Reinhold bachelor student in Tallinn University of Technology, Expert
E-mail: info@riskiekspert.ee |
Kert Reinhold is acquiring bachelor degree in product development in engineering faculty of Tallinn University of Technology. During his employment, he has worked in wood industry as well as in machinery industry. In latter, as a maintenance manager and quality control. Kert has experiences in measurements of occupational hazards and is expert in practical activities of safety management in industrial companies. |
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